Our Purpose
Southgate exists to UNITE people with God and with God's people, to GROW faithful and passionate followers of Jesus, who INSPIRE and lead others to do the same.
UNITE Life is all about uniting people with God and the body of believers.
GROW Life is all about plugging everyone into a community: LifeGroups, Kidville, AMPED Students, Young Adults, so we can grow in faith, discipleship and serving in a smaller setting.
INSPIRE Life is all about building leaders among us to make a difference within the church & within our community. Discovering our unique gifts & learning to share our story effectively, leading a LifeGroup, serving within the church or doing local & global outreach are some ways we can inspire others to life in Jesus.
At Southgate Church we seek to demonstrate God's love to the people of North Grenville and the surrounding areas.
We want to bring the 'unchanging message' to our 'ever changing culture'. We want to show how the Bible is relevant to the challenges of everyday living. Church doesn't have to be boring, that's why the Southgate family is committed to creativity and innovation in our ministries. We believe a healthy church embraces the Great Commandment and the Great Commission that was taught by Jesus Himself. These passages from the book of Matthew in the Bible remind us to love God first and then our neighbour.
What's happening
See what's happening at Southgate during the week and weekends. >>
What does it mean to unite your life with Jesus? We want to talk with you! Email a pastor >
1303 French Settlement Road, Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0
Phone: 613-258-6123 Email
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 1pm
A Life Giving Church.